
Felipe de C. Pereira

PhD Candidate
Institute of Computing
University of Campinas


I am currently a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (IC/UNICAMP). In my ongoing research, I study combinatorial optimization problems related to the spread of information on social networks. In particular, I work on designing mathematical formulations, exact algorithms and heuristics for the problems I investigate. I develop my research at the Laboratory of Optimization and Combinatorics (LOCo).

Research Interests

Operations Research, Combinatorial Optimization, Integer Programming, Constraint Programming, Metaheuristics, Matheuristics, Theory of Computation, NP-completeness and Algorithmic Complexity.


[2021 - present] PhD Candidate in Computer Science, University of Campinas, Brazil
Advisor: Pedro J. de Rezende (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Co-advisor: Tallys Yunes (University of Miami, US)
Visiting Research Scholar at the Miami Herbert's Department of Management Science, University of Miami, US (Feb/2023 - Apr/2023)
[2021] MSc in Computer Science, University of Campinas, Brazil
Master's Thesis: A computational study of the Perfect Awareness Problem (in portuguese)
Advisor: Pedro J. de Rezende (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Co-advisor: Cid C. de Souza (Mercado Libre, Brazil)
[2019] BSc in Computer Science, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
Bachelor's Thesis: An investigation of the Knapsack Median Problem with Integer Linear Programming (in portuguese)
Advisor: Breno P. Ribeiro (Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil)


[2020 - 2024] Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Campinas, Brazil
Courses: Mathematical Foundations of Computing (6 semesters) and Design and Analysis of Algorithms (1 semester)
[Jul/2018 - Feb/2019] Web Developer at Software Team (junior company), Brazil
Developed a WordPress/PHP website for Baré Júnior - Federation of Junior Companies of the State of Amazonas
[2017 - 2018] Teaching Assistant at the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
Course: Imperative Programming (4 semesters)


[2024] A Row Generation Algorithm for Finding Optimal Burning Sequences of Large Graphs
Felipe de C. Pereira, Pedro J. de Rezende, Tallys Yunes and Luiz F. B. Morato
Conference: 32nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2024)
[2024] Minimizing the Cost of Leveraging Influencers in Social Networks: IP and CP Approaches
Felipe de C. Pereira, Pedro J. de Rezende and Tallys Yunes
Conference: 21st International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR 2024)
[2023] The Least Cost Directed Perfect Awareness Problem: complexity, algorithms and computations
Felipe de C. Pereira and Pedro J. de Rezende
Journal: Online Social Networks and Media
[2022] A Computational Study of the Perfect Awareness Problem
Felipe de C. Pereira, Pedro J. de Rezende and Cid C. de Souza
Conference: XXXV Theses and Dissertations Contest of the Brazilian Computer Society (CTD/CSBC 2022)
[2021] Effective Heuristics for the Perfect Awareness Problem
Felipe de C. Pereira, Pedro J. de Rezende and Cid C. de Souza
Conference: XI Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2021)
[2020] Exact Algorithms and Heuristics for the Perfect Awareness Problem (poster and abstract)
Felipe de C. Pereira, Pedro J. de Rezende and Cid C. de Souza
Conference: 14th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN 2020)
[2018] The Next Release Problem: Complexity, Exact Algorithms and Computations
José C. A. Júnior, Felipe de C. Pereira, Marina V. A. Reis, and Breno P. Ribeiro
Conference: X International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2018)

Technical Skills

Natural languages: Portuguese and English
Programming languages: C, C++, Python and R
Commercial and open solvers: Gurobi, CPLEX and CP-SAT (Google OR-Tools)

Awards and Honors

[2023] First-place prize in the UniSoma Challenge, a hackathon in mathematical optimization
Team: Felipe de C. Pereira, Ana P. S. Dantas and Klairton de L. Brito

[2022] Third-place prize in the XXXV Contest of Theses and Dissertations of the Brazilian Computer Society (CTD/CSBC 2022)
Category: Master’s dissertations

[2017] Honorable Mention in the ACM ICPC South America/Brazil Finals
Team: Marina V. A. Reis, João V. R. Viana and Felipe de C. Pereira
Coach: André B. de Carvalho

[2016] Honorable Mention in the ACM ICPC South America/Brazil First Phase
Team: José C. A. Júnior, Adam L. P. da Silva, and Felipe de C. Pereira
Coach: Beatriz T. Andrade | Co-coach: Gilberto A. dos Santos

[2015] Honorable Mention in the ACM ICPC South America/Brazil First Phase
Team: Adam L. P. da Silva, Marina V. A. Reis and Felipe de C. Pereira
Coach: Beatriz T. Andrade

[2018] Third-place prize in the Programming Contest of the XVIII Escola Regional de Computação Bahia, Alagoas e Sergipe (ERBASE 2018)
Team: Felipe de C. Pereira, João V. R. Viana and Vinícius da C. Daltro

[2009-2014] Several medals in the Brazilian Olympiads in Mathematics and Computing

Service to the Scientific Community

Subreviewer for the 21st International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR 2024)

Postal Address

Institute of Computing – University of Campinas
Av. Albert Einstein, 1251, Sala 64, Cidade Universitária
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, 13083-852

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